Hyperpigmentation Treatment | Arlington, TX

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What is Hyperpigmentation Treatment?

Many men and women have hyperpigmentation, which is a common dermatological concern characterized by darker areas that appear on the surface of the skin. These darkened splotches may pop up in any location on the body and face and range in size and shape. The Devine Aesthetics Team addresses this common skin concern regularly at Devine Aesthetic Solutions with Harmony XL PRO laser technology by Alma. As a skin rejuvenation option, laser hyperpigmentation treatments can reduce the appearance of discoloration and help even out your skin tone for a more natural-looking complexion. Get in touch with our Arlington, TX med spa to find out more!

What Are The Benefits Of Hyperpigmentation Treatments?

Hyperpigmentation treatments in Arlington, TX at Devine Aesthetic Solutions can help you achieve the clearer, healthier complexion you want with a host of great benefits, like:

  • Dramatically reducing dark spots and discoloration without surgery or medications
  • Stimulating collagen production
  • Balancing skin tone and texture
  • Brightening the complexion
  • No downtime or recovery period
  • Treatments are quick and easy
  • Safe for all skin types, even sensitive skin
  • Results are long-lasting

Am I A Candidate For Hyperpigmentation Treatment?

Because hyperpigmentation treatment using the Harmony XL PRO system is safe and effective for the majority of patients, anyone who wants clearer, younger-looking skin is a great candidate for this procedure. The most common skin concerns candidates for hyperpigmentation treatment want to address include:

  • Age spots
  • Sun spots and sun damage
  • Freckles
  • Skin discoloration and areas of hyperpigmentation
  • Uneven skin tone/shading
  • Melasma (blotchy, dark patches)

How does hyperpigmentation treatment work?

The Harmony XL PRO laser will target the excess melanin in the skin to achieve a brighter complexion. The designated treatment zones will receive several passes of light energy to ensure thorough coverage. Once your session is complete, you'll be free to go about your usual day. The Devine Aesthetics Team will also provide you with post-treatment instructions to follow at home. It's important to adhere to all care protocols to ensure optimal results.

What should I expect after treatment?

With no downtime needed with hyperpigmentation treatment. You may leave your appointment with your skin a little pink and swollen. This will subside on its own as the day continues — it can be masked with cosmetics if you want. Devine Aesthetic Solutions advises you use a cream on the skin's surface to minimize irritation and promote healing. It also helps to take an over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medication to help decrease swelling. Over the course of 2 – 5 days, the blemishes that rested under the skin will rise to the surface skin layers and then begin to flake away. It's important to protect your skin with sunscreen at all times after a photofacial and to not pick at the flaking skin. While you should have visible results after the first session, your skin will attain ideal results after several laser sessions. Dr. Thomas suggests approximately 3 – 6 treatments performed monthly at Devine Aesthetic Solutions.

Hyperpigmentation Treatment faq

What causes hyperpigmentation?
In some cases, the body may naturally produce more skin pigmentation than necessary. Several environmental and health considerations could also raise a person's chance of hyperpigmentation, like specific medications, injury or trauma to the skin, and exposure to UV rays.

How long does the treatment for hyperpigmentation take?
The length of hyperpigmentation treatment at Devine Aesthetic Solutions will differ for each patient, depending on the severity of their condition. Each visit lasts about half an hour, and the majority of men and women can generally minimize their dark spots with 3 – 4 sessions. 

What is the cost of laser hyperpigmentation treatment?
The overall price of laser hyperpigmentation treatment in Arlington, TX depends on your unique needs and the number of sessions required to achieve your desired outcomes. Our staff can help you determine how many treatments will likely be needed and discuss the financial methods accepted at our office.

Get rid of redness today

If you suffer from hyperpigmentation and are fed up with attempting to cover it with cosmetics, or if you spend extra money on store-bought treatments that do not give you the outcome that you desire, we invite you to contact Devine Aesthetic Solutions to schedule an appointment. If the wrong treatment is implemented, the skin might become worse, so rely on Dr. Thomas to correctly diagnose and treat hyperpigmentation to provide you with the best possible results.

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*Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary from person to person. Images may contain models.